Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's winter. In Northern California that means time for completely erratic weather that is only cold to us (I have friends who live in the sub-zero areas). I am a weather wimp, although I like being outside when it's bad out. Love rain walks and that kind of thing.

I have just mostly recovered from a flu that started before Christmas. The whole month has been a big blur. I'm still not working, which was probably a good thing in this case.

Anyway, popping in to say hello. Been too long.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Well, after nearly 3 years of toil, sweat and miracles, my company decided that because I could not perform as well in Berkeley as I did in San Francisco that I was no longer of use to them.

Every time this happens, when I have been hard-working and loyal, and have finally gotten comfortable enough to feel like I can speak my mind and offer ideas, I decide I will never again be loyal, or open my mouth. I know damn well that will never happen.

Please keep your eyes and ears open for Bay Area opportunities, and let me know. I appreciate it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tonight I am going to a scented dinner party put on by a friend who has published a book called "Coming to my Senses". We are going to be enjoying dishes inspired by the perfumes of various perfumers as well as the perfumes themselves. I am looking forward to it - rarely do I treat myself to something like this.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The other day I was stuck at work while the 49ers and Saints were playing and I would have forgotten about it except a friend from New Orleans pinged me on facebook about it. I couldn't stream it without forking over cash, so I went to the Sports Illustrated website and watched their play-by-play page. It was pretty exciting, actually! However, technology failed me at the last crucial moment and I missed the whole final touchdown. All of a sudden it was locked up at 4 seconds or something. Argh! Well, hopefully I will remember to watch this very crucial Giants/9ers game on Sunday. Football has been off my radar for a while, and I haven't been a 49ers fan since Joe Montana left. Go 9ers!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

(hope she doesn't show up at your house)

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I have to work fast, my interwebs are crashing now and again.
I don't like that it is dark already.
I guess these ladies are of a different mind.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The building I work in gets emptier and emptier as the temporary city in the desert grows and grows. Have fun at BRC, all you burners.

I should have gone 25 years ago when it was free and at Baker Beach. Heh.